We all know that what we put on our bodies is just as important as what we put in it, but do we REALLY stop to consider how much of an impact that items we use on a daily impact could have on our health? One of the simplest and easiest ways to live a healthier, most sustainable lifestyle starts right in your shower, with the soap that you use. Your skin is your first line of defense against harmful toxins – it covers up to 20 square feet of your body! It is a protective barrier between your organs and substances that could harm them. Your skin secretes waste material and absorbs useful vitamins. But even our skin, that is an AMAZING organism designed to protect and nurture your body, cannot keep all of the bad toxins out and these are sometimes absorbed after contact with chemical-laden soap products.
Soap is as complex as it seems simple. Did you know that soap is actually made up of tiny salt crystals that grew in oil droplets? When you mix oils, alkali and water, they chemically react and turn into soap and glycerin. Soap is a very unusual and unique molecule – the oily part of it hates water and the alkali part loves the water. When you mix soap and water – it causes the soap to lather! In it’s most basic form, soap is exactly what your body needs to stay clean and wash away the toxins you are exposed to in the air on a daily basis. However, it’s the chemicals that are added by many companies that cause soap to be harmful.
There are several common chemicals that carry health risks from prolonged exposure to them, that are found in many body soaps. Benzaldehyde can depress the nervous system, which brings on dizziness, vomiting and sudden drops in blood pressure if inhaled. Benzyl Acetate is an eye and lung irritant and a known carcinogen associated with pancreatic cancer. Dove Beauty Bars contain Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT) which is a suspected carcinogen, as well as formaldehyde.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) breaks down fats and impairs the skins ability to maintain moisture. SLS is classified as a “mutagen” because it can alter genetic material in cells. SLS is found in Ivory products and in many common household-cleaning products.
Another common chemical, Ethanol, is on the EPA’s hazardous waste list. Ethanol can irritate the respiratory tract and cause vision impairments and loss of muscle control. Ethanol can be found in Ponds and L’Oreal products. Linalool is a narcotic substance that can harm your respiratory system and motor activity.
This and other chemicals are in the soap that you use on your skin on a daily basis. I challenge you to go into your bathroom and read the ingredient list on the soap that you use and investigate the chemicals that are listed.
The good news is that there are now companies that are creating products that are good for your skin AND the environment. First, skip the scents. Unless those are added with natural oils – they are chemically based. The best types of bar soap are made from vegetable oil blends (not mineral) and have the glycerin added back in to protect your skin’s moisture barrier. If you’re looking for a foaming soap, try liquid castile soap.
The most important thing is for you to be aware of what you are putting on your body. Do your research before picking a product that works best for your skin type and that is environmentally friendly. Treat your skin like the valuable asset that it is and only use products that protect it!