Need to Brush Up on Dry Brushing?
Dry brushing has been credited with everything from 'curing' cellulite and adrenal fatigue to turning people into paragons of wellness (seriously... check out Samson, the Saxon Giant, in the 1920s).
So what is dry brushing?
During dry brushing you are literally taking a brush, made for people, and intentionally stroking your skin with it. Dry brushing enthusiasts believe that different strokes, varying pressure and direction, and aftercare all conspire to effect wide ranging outcomes.
So what's the truth?
I personally feel that any type of alternative or complementary medicine is only applicable on an individual basis. Our great-grandparents understood that part of a person's journey on this planet was to discover their bodies, what worked, what didn't, and what made them feel the best. Western medicine has inserted itself between a person and their body, no longer allowing effortless communication between the two closest entities.*** It's like two people sitting side by side on the couch, and instead of talking to each other, they text. The cell phone is standing in for the simplest, truest communication.
What's your point?
You need to try dry brushing (like any other natural method of health) and see. I can tell you from a toxicology standpoint that dry brushing every day makes good sense. I believe that dry brushing, used a minimum of 6 times a week over the long haul, will aid circulation. I have noticed that clients who dry brush have finer textured skin, and seem to have less noticeable cellulite and spider veins.
Where can I find out more?
Funny you should ask... Essential Healing is holding two Dry Brushing Workshops July 18th at 5pm and 6pm. The cost is $25 if you register by tomorrow and includes a dry brush to take home as well as a $15 service voucher to be used with me (Becky).
***Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I do not have a medical degree, I am not diagnosing or prescribing drugs/treatments/or the cessation of either.
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