Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Running out of Time?

Ever feel like the weekend is never long enough? Or do you wish Monday morning didn't dawn so quickly?

Yeah, I think we all have been in that boat. Sometimes I am the Captain, first mate, and bo'swain.

So I started wondering, besides the fact that we are all working our buckets off and dealing with crazy Why are we all so T.I.R.E.D all the time? With a little research, I found some good information that seems valid regarding our time usage (or abuse?).

Did you know that we need different types of time off to feel fully refreshed and restored?
For real.

Its not enough to just veg in front of the TV or drink yourself senseless over the weekend. Neither of these (non)activities fulfill your requirements as a human being. Neither does staying home and working around the house.

The point of time off is to get prepared for your next work period and to be restored for life. So to do that you need a relaxation period, a rejuvenation period, and a recharge period. It doesn't seem to matter what amounts of time you assign to each type or in what order you approach them... as long as it feels right for your body.

  1. Relaxation period is a time to veg - but withOUT external pressures. You may sit outside, get a massage, lay in your pool, stare out the window, meditate. This is for quiet time and to let your thoughts slide and sink down. To let your body completely relax, breathe deep, let your tummy pooch out... no thoughts... no holding yourself in. Some studies have suggested 4hrs a week. I leave the amount up to you. Tip: you know you need more of this when you can't be quiet or be by yourself.
  2. Rejuvenation period is a time to do something you enjoy! Go for a hike, get in a yoga class, do something active that you like. Studies suggest an hour a day.
  3. Recharge period is a learning activity that you want to do. This does not have to be a big deal - reading a new book, working on a new painting technique, trying a new recipe... just something new that you can take a small amount of pride in.
Do each type until you feel completed in that area. If you can manage this over a weekend, Monday shouldn't look so grim. Keep me posted with what you find out!

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